Introducing Cloud EPC – The Future of Mobile Project Controls Systems
My name is Ben Hubbard, and I am the president and owner of Nexus PMG, project controls consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas. Our team is comprised of Project Controls Professionals and technology enthusiasts who spent most of their careers with large global EPC firms. Over the years, we became well-versed in numerous project management and control systems, identifying with the frustrations that project teams experience due to outdated and counter-intuitive project controls tools.
So, we decided to do something about it – we developed Cloud EPC.
Cloud EPC is a modern web based enterprise project controls system complete with a mobile app for smartphones and tablets. Our first commercial product, now available for purchase, is a progress & performance tracking, analysis and reporting platform complete with an integrated change management system and mobile app (available on iTunes and Google Play app stores).
No longer do you have to deal with extensive spreadsheets or intense data entry requirements that prevent your controls team from conducting true project data analysis. No longer do you have to track each phase of a project in different tools and spreadsheets. No longer do you have to sit behind a desk in a construction trailer to capture progress updates.
Cloud EPC offers:
- A modern user interface (UI).
- A state of the art Cost Management System.
- A mobile application that allows users to update progress items, snap progress photos, log construction notes and analyze progress status from the field no matter how remote the project location (ask about our offline mode).
- Ability to easily integrate activity progress with existing scheduling systems including Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project through the click of a button.
- A fully integrated change management system and change management log.
- Custom report generation functionality that can be exported to Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
- Interactive real-time project overview dashboards with live drill down functionality (see screen shot below).
- Smart attachment filing by tagging relevant drawings, progress pictures, contracts or notes at either the project or progress item level.
- Ability to be opened on a desktop, mobile or tablet device leveraging a row and column pivot system that works similar to Microsoft Excel.
- Progress updates that can be completed directly in the software system, through Excel imports or via an email form, greatly reducing data entry time and the number of personnel required to track progress.
- User access control to allow or prevent users from accessing or editing particular data.
- An exportable history log of all changes made to the database, from creation to closeout, tracked at the user level. Great for project forensics.
- The ability to archive all project data making it easy to access, compare and benchmark historical projects to help refine and increase confidence in estimate development, change orders and project proposals (enterprise functionality).
- The ability to code various progress items to a particular contractor and allow that contractor to log in and update their progress items only.
- Performance factors at the control budget or progress item level through integration with accounting and payroll systems.
Our mission is to build a cloud based project management platform that empowers project teams to make informed decisions while remaining focused on user experience and intelligent integration.
To learn more about Cloud EPC, contact us for a product demo at info@cloudepc.com