2016 Release Notes

2016 | 2017

Release 56

December 15th, 2016


  • Corrected IE 11 browser issues.
  • Modified layouts across the entire platform to make them project specific vs. global.
  • Added a “Help” link in the top right hand corner of the page that directs users to the Cloud EPC support website.



  • Added the ability to load detailed plan curves for the Progress and Performance module.

Curve Editor

  • Bug fix to the toaster warning message when a cost curve has a negative spread.
  • Enhanced the Plan Curve Editor export functionality.
  • Enhanced the Plan Curve Editor to refresh after import. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-342)

Original Budgets

  • An improvement in the functionality of the lock/unlock toggle button on the Original Budgets grid now makes sure the button is displayed in the correct position after clicking “Cancel” or “Save” when changing state.


  • Added the ability and new permission to load inactive projects.

Progress and Performance

Progress Items

  • Changed the “Discipline” display in the activities grid to code:name format.
  • Enhanced Progress and Performance “tiles” to visually indicate which tile is the key quantity.
  • Added the ability to see history on all progress item updates. Also added a permission to allow users to delete specific progress updates if they were made incorrectly.
  • Corrected a bug related to filtering of progress items. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-341)
  • Enhanced the existing material report to include additional run time criteria.


Cost Items

  • Corrected a bug that was not showing the aggregated commitment value on purchase orders.
  • Modified how the “commit as expend” function works and provided a user interface to manually enter in transactions that are “commit as expend”.
  • Corrected a bug related to negative commitments.
  • Corrected a bug related to running a detailed cost report. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-353)
  • Added an additional validation of expenditures to ensure a valid commitment exists.

Change Management

  • Added more permissions to the Change Management module that allows clients to control who can edit/view portions of the deviation.



  • Moved the location of Workflow into the Main Menu under Enterprise > Administration > Workflow.
  • Enhanced the Workflow setup user interface.


  • Corrected a bug on the Safety dashboard that was reporting expended dollars vs. hours.

Corrective Actions

  • A new corrective actions grid is now in the Enterprise > Safety menu location that aggregates a composite list of all action items generated from safety incidents.


Progress and Performance

  • Modified the material report to include two decimal places.
  • Fixed a bug that would improperly group progress items in the progress item report.


  • Added a new cost items report that allows reporting and filtering by vendor and/or purchase order number.

Change Management

  • Enhanced Change Management log to include client notified dates and client approved/rejected dates. The aging calculation was also modified to calculate from client notification date.
  • Enhanced the Change Management approval form to include new fields.

Quality Audit

  • Enhanced the quality audit “beta” release user interface.

Release 54

November 18th, 2016



  • Renamed the system to use.

Curve Editor

  • Corrected a bug that did not import the first week of the projects planned values. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-342)

Change Management

  • Corrected a bug that was not allowing deviations to be saved under specific conditions. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-334)

Progress and Performance

  • Renamed “Milestones” to “Rules of Credit” throughout the system.
  • Limited java animations to make the UI more user friendly.
  • Modified the Week End drop down to show the current week first. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-322)


Cost Items

  • Corrected a bug that would not display the vendor in Cost Items.


  • Enhanced Safety report design.
  • Enhanced Safety Incident user interface to hide tabs prior to incident creation.
  • Corrected a bug that allowed Safety Incidents to be logged into the future.
  • Safety Incidents have been enhanced to mask personally identifiable information, such as address and driver’s license number, unless the user has permissions to view it.


  • General Safety UI cleanup.


Progress Items

  • Enhanced the Progress Item report.



  • Corrected a bug that allowed active users to be deleted.
  • Corrected a bug that was not populating the User Management screen. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-333)
  • Implemented the ability to import customers from Excel.
  • Implemented the ability to import employees from Excel.

Release 52

November 7th, 2016


  • Fixed several IE 11 related bugs.
  • Added a hover over of descriptions in Views that were only displaying the code value.
  • Fixed a bug when trying to switch between custom saved layouts.


Curve Editor

  • Corrected a time zone bug on Plan Curve Excel exports.

Change Management

  • Added new functionality and user permissions to approved Change Orders and Trends. The system now allows approved users to convert a change order to a trend and a trend to a change order. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-189)
  • Included revenue as a visible column to all the Change Management screen. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-321)

Progress and Performance

  • Enhanced the Quantity Summary view to include layouts and several new columns for unit rate analysis.
  • Corrected a bug during export of Budget Grids to Excel.

Progress Items

  • Added “Earned Quantities” to the Progress Item view.


  • Simplified the Progress and Performance budget allocation conditional formatting.



  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to add purchase orders to a future date.


  • Enhanced the Cost Progress view to be filterable on activity code and activity name.


  • Enhanced the Cost Budget grids to include conditional formatting on commitments and expenditures.

Cost Items

  • Added a new business rule that prevents users from committing and expending against reserve accounts.


  • Added a new permission that allows sensitive employee information to be encrypted and only exposed to users who have the rights to see the information.
  • Added a visual representation to Safety Workflow to indicate position within the workflow.
  • Corrected a bug in Safety Module when trying to save an incident as “Vendor” or “Third Party”.
  • Corrected a bug that would not populate the “Primary Employee” drop down in a Safety incident.
  • Implemented a root cause selection tool to the Safety module.
  • Enhanced Safety reports to include new fields.



  • Corrected a bug in the Cost dashboards that would not correctly display the selected month-end periods.


Progress and Performance

  • Corrected the P&P report bug that was not displaying the WBS based on display order settings.


  • Added man hours as a run time criteria option on the Cost report.

Change Management

  • Added a cost/revenue run time criteria on the change log. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-321)



  • Correct a bug on number of active users displayed on the client profile screen.
  • Corrected a bug that would not display “Personal Info” of an employee, even if the user had the rights to see the employee’s personal info.
  • Fixed a bug that would throw a “bad request” error on new user initial attempt at logging in.
  • Added several new permissions to the Safety module to allow clients to control user access.
  • Relocated the “Workflow” setup from Enterprise > Administration > Codes & Settings to Enterprise > Administration > Access & Permissions.

Release 50

October 21st, 2016


  • Resolved an issue whereby Earned Hours were greater than the Control Budget. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-275)
  • Removed the ability for case log attachments to show up in Incident Attachments view for an added level of security.


  • Modified the overnight processing email to provide number of records processed and number of records successfully imported.
  • Enhanced the new tabbed main menu formatting when collapsed.


  • Corrected a minor bug that prevented updates from saving to the Administration Phase Table. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-312)
  • Added an error message when attempting to add an existing in the system.

Change Management

  • Fixed the bug in Change Management that would truncate values with more than two decimal places to round on import. (Support Tickets CEPCSD-156, 157, 158, 161)
  • Added the ability to save budget shifts in “open” status without having all the control budgets net to zero.

Project Tools

  • Added the ability to export and import from Excel on project milestones.

Progress and Performance

  • Fixed the mass delete bug that would time out after a few hundred records. The logic has been modified to handle “N” number of records on delete. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-231)


  • Added performance calculation based on earned current forecast to the Progress and Performance Budget Grid.


  • Enhanced the load time of the Cost Item View.
  • Added a new control budget view to the Cost Module that allows a user to filter by vendor, purchase order number, or control budget account.
  • Expenditure item view. “style=’box-sizing: border-box;text-overflow: ellipsis;display:table-cell’> Added “available to expend” calculated field to the Cost Module > Expenditure Item view.
  • Added new settings that allow a user to turn off the following rules: 1) Commit > Budget and 2) Expend > Commitment.


  • Implemented Beta version of workflow and email notifications for safety incidents.
  • Added a project multi-select option at run-time for all safety dashboards.
  • Enhanced the Safety Root Cause Analysis Report formatting.
  • Enhanced the Safety Performance Report formatting.
  • Enhanced the formatting of the Safety Incident Report.
  • Modified / standardized several safety incident fields.
  • Fixed a bug that would not display the Experience Modification rate on the Enterprise Safety Dashboards.
  • Fixed Workflow has been enhanced to add the Super Approver capability in safety incidents.
  • Corrected a minor bug on the third level of the Safety Role Drill Down Dashboard.
  • Added vehicle types to the Incident Look-Up Tables so end users can update and manage their own lists.
  • Enhanced the Safety Incident Grid to match Cloud EPC standard and added new requested fields.


Progress and Performance

  • Corrected the bug for total project “full-time equivalents”.


  • Enhanced the formatting of the Cost Dashboard Run-Time Criteria Bar.


  • A new report to balance imported expenditures has been developed.
  • Corrected the bug that prevented users from exporting reports to Excel. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-307)

Progress and Performance

  • Fixed the Material Report bug and reformatted the report spacing and font size. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-304)

Change Management

  • Enhanced the formatting of the Change Management Approval Form Report.


  • A new report has been developed to balance the commitments from both the import files to Cloud EPC.

Release 47

October 9th, 2016


  • The left-hand menu navigation has been changed to locate project-centric and enterprise-centric items under specific tabs.
  • The Progress and Performance mobile application has been updated to address an issue with uploading video attachments.

Progress and Performance  


  • Progress and Performance Budgets has added a Beta version of the Materials Summary Grid.



  • The Cost Item Grid now loads faster. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-227)
  • Subcontracts and Expenditures now match between Spectrum and CloudEPC. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-229)


  • The Cost Budgets Grid now loads faster. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-228)


  • A Beta version of the workflow email notifications has been released.


Progress and Performance

  • The Progress and Performance Activity Progress Report now correctly calculates using both Current Budget and Current Forecast Basis. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-287)

Release 44

September 12th, 2016


  • A bug was addressed that caused the Progress and Performance Budget Grids and Reports to not tie out on Earned Hours and Percent Complete. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-233)
  • Internet Explorer 11 only issue whereby attachments could not be viewed in Media Manager has been addressed.
  • Internet Explorer 11 issue on New User Add dialog has been addressed.
  • A preview version of changes for the main navigation has been released. Some additional changes are expected for the final look and feel of the top navigation area are expected. The Main left-hand side navigation area has been divided into two tabs. The first tab, “Project” contains all project-centric navigation menu items, while the second tab, “Enterprise”, not contains all enterprise-centric navigation. In addition, some menu items have been renamed.



  • Added the Project Level setting: Automatically associate data dated prior to the Project Start Date to Week 1. For example, Purchase Orders having a PO Date that is prior to the Project Start Week will no longer be rejected by rule.
  • Added the Project Level setting: Automatically Extend Project’s Planned End Date to accommodate data. When set, any data (Payroll, expenditures, etc.) imported and having a date that extends beyond the Project End Date, will automatically extend the Project End Date accordingly.
  • Added two Project level settings: – Allow Commitments greater than Control Budgets – Allow Expenditures greater than Commitments. When enabled, these settings will accommodate the imported data accordingly.

Project Tools

  • The Meeting Minutes Project Tool has been enhanced to support importing of notes via Excel.

Progress and Performance


  • A bug was addressed in the Original Budget lock / unlock functionality.


  • The Safety Incident Dashboard has been improved for data presentation and aesthetics.
  • The Enterprise Safety Summary Report has been improved for formatting and data presentation.
  • The Safety Incident Report has been improved for formatting and data presentation.
  • The ability to add witnesses names to Safety Incident Case Log, Witness Statement has been added.
  • Added the Estimated and Actual dates the financial impact records for Safety incidents.
  • A Witness Statement function has been added to the Safety Incident functionality.


Progress and Performance

  • Internet Explorer 11 only issue whereby the controls on the Dashboard Drill Down Report did not work has been addressed.
  • Clarification for nomenclature on labels used on the Progress and Performance Dashboard were addressed.



  • The Cost Control Budget Report has been updated to improve organization and appearance.
  • The Cost Activity Identifier Report now reports Current Budget and Current Forecast for indirect phases. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-250)


  • The Action Item Report has been improved for formatting and data presentation.
  • The Change Log Report has been improved for data presentation and formatting.



  • The Employee Import has been enhanced to include the employee’s phone number and job role.
  • The permissions structure for Workflow has been added.
  • The initial version of Workflow Administration has been added.

KPI Dashboard

  • The KPI Configuration dialog has been enhanced with informative text on how each setting impacts the KPI score.

Release 42

September 6th, 2016


Change Management

  • Fixed the bug in Change Management creating an error when trying to load budgets on initial insert. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-180)

Progress and Performance

  • New Progress Items imported from Excel spreadsheets now record the applied Milestone Template. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-220)
  • Added Earned Current Forecast and Allocated Current Forecast to the progress item grid and the progress item budget grid.


  • Enhanced conditional formatting in the Progress Item > Allocation Grid.
  • The Progress and Performance Grid column header filters now support both search and multi-select.
  • Hot fix 9/7: Activities are no longer duplicated in the Quantity Summary Grid. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-253)


  • An issue with Purchase Orders without a Purchase Order Date causing overnight processing to exit has been addressed. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-211)



  • Added ability to run the Activity Identifier report on current forecast or current budget. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-219)
  • Added the ability to run the Activity Identifier Report through a selected period as well as some minor output formatting changes. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-219)

Release 41

August 22nd, 2016


  • Improvements to the control toolbar on the Cost Dashboard.
  • The “Role” field is not available as a default in the Employee Table Grid in Administration.
  • When using Internet Explorer v 11 the fly out menus are not working and accessible.
  • When using Internet Explorer v 11 the modal pop-up displays are now displayed correctly.
  • Added and cleaned up the appearance of the address fields to the Project Info page in Administration.
  • When using Internet Explorer v 11 the project selector (top right hand corner) is now working properly and will load the correct project data.
  • Improved the import process for importing the quantity percentage se-tup/update import template so that it loads much quicker.
  • Enterprise Safety Dashboard charts and graphs now display the correct information for all projects, not just the active project.
  • Closed ticket #213 which properly calculates the cumulative PF when running the Progress Activity Identifier Report. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-213)

Progress and Performance

  • When filtering on the “Responsible User” column in the Progress Items Grid, the filter display will now only display users that have progress items assigned to them as opposed to all users.


  • The New Materials Budget Grid was updated to allow auto-size of column widths.


  • An issue with deleting Unapproved Hours has been addressed.
  • An issue was identified whereby an invalid Purchase Order would halt overnight processing. We have added defensive code to avoid this in the future. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-211)


  • Safety Dashboards has added a 12-month Rolling Trend Year to Year chart.
  • Safety Incident UI and UX improvements.
  • A new tab added to Enterprise > Administration > Safety called “Incidents Types” now allows you to add and customize incident types and their respective codes as well as select check boxes that determine if that incident type is included in various rate calculations (TRIR, LTIR, PD Rate, RD Rate).
  • Attachments loaded at the Safety Incident Level will not be displayed within the attachment manager and will be accessible only through that incident.
  • Safety has added the Total Incidents by Class and Man Hours dashboard graph.
  • Safety has added the Trend Analysis Dashboard graph.



  • By default, the “Include Last Import Error” is now “unchecked” for balancing report.


KPI Dashboard

  • The Enterprise KPI Dashboard has been refreshed for stylistic and UX improvements.

Release 40

August 15th, 2016



  • A User, with the proper permission settings, is allowed to update an Activities Discipline code, in all cases, regardless of prior progress history. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-191)

Progress and Performance

Progress Items

  • Added Allocated Current Forecast to the Progress Items Grid.



  • A preliminary version of the Job Materials Report has been released.


  • The formatting for Enterprise Reports has been improved.


  • Enterprise Administration has added the Key Dates fields for hire, date, job tenure, and craft tenure.

Release 39

August 9th, 2016



  • The Project information now contains fields to hold the Project’s address.

Change Management

  • Added Required Field notification on Effective Date.

Curve Editor

  • Improved the display of the remaining amount values to spread.
  • Improved the display of the draw-down curve amount remaining to spread.

Progress and Performance

  • Fixed an issue whereby the Windows 10-key was not working on decimal entry. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-173)

Progress Items

  • An issue was found and addressed whereby certain Control Budgets were not available in Bulk Allocation. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-188)
  • Removed formatting of Excel Milestone Imports so that Percentage and Quantity value cells do not force percentage sign formatting.


  • Addressed an issue whereby the Cost Budget Grid, Purchase Order hyperlink did not open the PO in Commitments.
  • Added Layout Manager to the Commitments Grids.


  • Improved Safety Incident User input for numerical values.
  • Safety Incident now has the ability to add “N” number of additional employees that were connected in some manner to the incident.
  • Safety Incident adds another Risk block calculation for Actual Risk.
  • FAT and FAP added as Safety Incident Types.
  • Safety Incident DART Days fields for Restricted, Days Away, and Job Transfer have been added.
  • Safety Incident now includes Role name in the Project Information tab for each of the seven key roles drop-downs.
  • Added Layout Manager permissions to Safety Incidents grid.
  • Added ability to multi-select Weather Conditions on a Safety Incident.
  •  Safety Incident consolidated view of vehicle and property damage.
  •  Enhanced the Safety Incident Financial Impact tab to allow any number of Estimated and Actual Cost records. In addition, the “Cost” types list can be added upon in the future.
  •  Added Root Cause Analysis and Employee Report formatted text boxes to Safety Incidents, Risk / Root Cause tab.


  • Change Management added Potential and Pending status and updated the charts.


  • Added the ability to enter Experience Modification Rate for use in Safety Metric calculations.

Multi Project Reports

  • Small navigation menu changes: Abbreviated Progress and Performance; removed report suffix.

Release 38

July 29th, 2016



  • Added the Project Address fields to Project administration. This will be used on Safety Incidents.
  • Enabled permission check of read-only for Areas and Materials.

Change Management

  • Fixed bug creating new Control Budgets, within Change Orders, that did not display all available Activities. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-170)

Attachments Manager

  • Enabled the display of attachments by clicking on the thumbnail.

Actuals Manager

  • Addressed issue whereby Actuals Management grouping was not showing all available records. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-154)

Curve Editor

  • Improved User Experience when spreading values on cost plan curves.



  • Improved User Experience when deleting of Expenditures and Commitments by refreshing the grid accordingly.
  • Changed logic to allow the deleting of Commitments and Expenditures while within cost open periods.


  • Added Employee Tenure calculation and storage on the Safety Incident.
  • Added Role name to the Employee staff fields on Safety Incident.
  • Added Layout Management to the Safety Incident Grid.


Progress and Performance

  • Addressed issue on Activity Identifiers Report displaying blanks instead of zeros.
  • Addressed issue on Progress and Performance Report displaying blanks instead of zeros.
  • Improved report data to remove unallocated values from the detailed view.



  • Added ability to create and import new Projects via external load sources.
  • Addressed an issue whereby resetting a user’s password inadvertently deactivated the user.
  • Added Employee Hire Date.
  • With proper permission settings, allow the re-opening of prior closed periods so that other adjustments can be made as required.

Release 37

July 28th, 2016


  • Added permission checking around Systems maintenance. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-168)
  • Improved the Milestone screen to follow standard of Code, then Name.
  • Improved the performance of the Add New Payroll dialog.

Progress and Performance

  • Improved Project Quantities to justify Planned Quantities column.
  • Improved the Budget Summary grid to recalculate the footer’s ECB based upon user entered filter criteria.
  • Addressed an issue in Progress Items Budget tab for display of negative value allocations. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-166)


  • Improved Safety Incidents to disable all UA fields until UA checkbox is checked.
  • Improved Safety Incident to disable all Physician related fields until Physician Visit required checkbox is checked.
  • Improved Safety Incident to automatically generate the Case Number based upon the Incident Date and an automatically incrementing counter.
  • Improved Safety Incident to include two User-Defined fields.
  • Improved Safety Incident to include the Employee Number in the Employee Search field.
  • Added the initial Enterprise-level Safety Incidents Grid.


  • Improved the Balancing Report by adding the last import error details to the bottom of the report.
  • Fixed issue on Activity Identifier Reports for large projects. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-165)
  • Improved the formatting of the Balance Report.
  • Improved the Balancing Report for historical Activities that have been moved in accounting system extracts. (Support Ticket CEPCSD-171)


  • Improved formatting for Enterprise Reports.
  • Improved the Enterprise GPS map to return an error message when an entered location is not found.
  • Improved Employee file to include city, state, and zip code.